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Avenger Mega Meet 2013 lets crash OS Nats April in the Manawatu

Started by JoKer, January 25, 2013, 01:14:28 PM


no other 'mark' of car was more represented at 2011 than our chosen Wallet-torture-devices

so lets do it again!

already 1/4 full (only announced this week) possible limit to 100 participants so put a ring around April 12-15th on your calendar

hoping to have the Auto mobile by then 11 weeks and counting

Richards image (worth zooming IN on is resized by the forum to fit width)

and my personal favorite image/My desktop background


can't. Have placement which is compulsory. I even turned down a free trip to raro for two weeks cause i have to do plcement grrr
Li'l Blu



too late anyway all the BEDS are full / booked so ya would need to bring a tent if anyone else is thinking of coming!

yes that's 100~ people registered already


not even dumb lol ill have a degree at the end of the year!
Li'l Blu


Sadly I will be Avenger'less this year :/

salt to the wound will be attending in my Mk VI Escort!