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The Chrysler 180 (Big Avenger)

Started by 1300super, February 15, 2012, 07:30:35 PM


Spotted one of these on the net the other day, A Chrysler 180, it looks shockingly like a big Avenger, has anyone ever seen one?


Yep when I was in the UK, read about them in the book Cars of the Rootes group, interesting story



Todd's did import 1 for evaluation, white with a black vinyl roof if my memory is correct???. about a decade latter I found 1 at a wrecker in Porirua (different car I think...) I was keen on getting rear disc brakes (which is std mod on UK Avengers and Sunbeams) but it had been sitting on the ground to long and were very rusty.

It looks like the Avenger as it is the big brother coming from same designers, the suspension is the same frt & rr, just a bit bigger...


Australia got them. Renamed it the Centura, stretched the nose and chucked a 245 in...

Almost worth moving over for.
Chill Datto, bro!


I quite like them, the aussie one looks like a mini Valiant. I wonder what happened to the 1 Todd Motors imported?



Yeah, that is possibly not standard. It was the best photo showing a Hemi in what was recognisably the right car.
Chill Datto, bro!



I hold my passion of my dad which possessed 2 Chrysler!!


they are just as rare over here there was loads of them in the seventies my dad thought they were great he owned loads my first car ride home from the maternity hospital was in one . they wernt a very good car by all accounts poor spanish build quality and no rust proofing, back brakes that siezed on and over heated if they wernt looked after regularly ,the early seventies cars wore camshafts out quickly , front wings rotted out within weeks of purchase . i restored one in 2003/4 for my dad after he managed to track one down , it was a lovely car once done it was a 1800 manual i spent many man hours fabricating panels and the screen surounds as it was well rotten ,it just got bad press to begin with and the damage was done there are supposedly only 12ish left in britain there have been a couple on uk ebay lately keep your eye out and get bidding they didnt go for much but the import cost might kill ya lol


Good evening Ritch
The trouble finishing editing lines of Chrysler, is not just due to the non anti-corrosion, because I've had a version scheduled for release in Spain 1610 "2 liters" of 1978 and was flooded up to the waistline!
Although she remained well for years and I had to change all the seats and carpeting and leatherette trim the body did not move!
Until July 1973 the Chrysler were made ​​of a steel honorable and quality!
But production becomes very expensive for the limited sale was being done, we took the same quality of metal that Italian car! which we know all the disappointments of corrosion!
Then the appearance of vinyl houses also did not help our first Chrysler rotting roof!
And there it is mostly manufactured versions for France and Spain and which was of course a lot of 2-liter Chrysler returned as collateral for the vinyl roof coming off and we often repainted the roof of the car!
I am 32 years old and is that practitioners of the time told me and my father too!
Treatment anticorosion hollow corp was an option offered at the time and the Chrysler 2 liters of a friend has b?nificie against mine she is not anti-corrosion treatment and which do not leave too much t
I hold my passion of my dad which possessed 2 Chrysler!!


Cool 180 Thomas!

We never got the Chrysler 180 in NZ but I always wanted one on the Australian 180's. They renamed them Centura and put a great big Hemi 245 4.0L straight 6 engine in them, it is a smaller version of the 265 4.3L Hemi I have in my Charger.

1975 Hillman Avenger 1300 Super, 1972 Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, 1980 Chrysler Avenger 1.3GL
RPM Photography


Avenga thank you,
I knew not where to put my presentation and Chrysler
in video it would be easier for me ^ ^

So you have a Load Even with the Centura! Cool!
You know in fact as close as Centura versions if I understand!
I hold my passion of my dad which possessed 2 Chrysler!!


Feel free to make a thread in the Members Gallery section and tell us a bit more about your 180.

1975 Hillman Avenger 1300 Super, 1972 Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, 1980 Chrysler Avenger 1.3GL
RPM Photography